Everyone dreams of possibilities. They dream of the possibility of a new life, of a better life. I used to dream of the possibility of so many loves. I kinda still do. No relationship is perfect so I dream of bettering my current relationship but that’s for another post.
Today I want to talk about the possibility of becoming what you think you were meant to be. I have always loved to write. Writing has brought me relaxation, success, and a platform to share what my imagination and creativity have conjured up. I’ve always been told that I am a great writer and I believe them. I believe in my work. I always wanted to have a career in writing. For a long time I always had a dream to be a journalist. I always wanted to write for a magazine. I also had a knack for fashion and wanted to be a fashion stylist. And my lack of motivation killed me. My potential to be great just evaporated. I still feel like I could become a great writer. I have so many ideas for books, screenplays, tv pilots, you name it and Ive got an idea for it. I know there’s always time to achieve these dreams but is there really time? I don’t want to live a life of regret. There are already a couple of things in my life that I do regret and I don’t want to miss out on my chance of achieving this goal.
I’ve had this blog for a couple of years and never took ownership of it. I believe in myself but not fully to my potential. I blame my laziness as well. I’ve been rewatching the Girls series on HBO and even though I have my thoughts on the characters I have come to the conclusion that I am kinda like Hannah Horvath and I hate that comparison. I only compare because she believed in her writing and worked towards it. If there was any perfect time to do this, it would be now.
I have to hold myself accountable and at least try. Most writers are freelancers and I’m not in it for the money. I have a great career that I still want to do along with my writing and I have so much more to talk about in the realm of possibilities. So I will begin my journey and I hope that I can ignite that light under my behind and just fucking do it. Just ripping that bandaid and going with it.